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Products | Variations | Price | Action |
Nipco Amloki Q (Mother Tincture)
For diarrhoea, constipation, ulcers, sores, cough, bronchial affections, calculi. |
Nipco Bellis Perennis Q (Mother Tincture)
For sprain, Injuries, Boils, muscle pains, After delivery pelvic pains |
Nipco Ceanothus Americanus Q (Mother Tincture)
Spleen Remedy, pain in abdomen, Mouth Ulcers, Frequent urination |
Nipco Convallaria Majalis Q (Mother Tincture)
For uterine complaints, palpitations, flatulence, Morning sickness |
Nipco Fucus Vesiculosus Q (Mother Tincture)
Manages weight, thyroid dysfunctions, regulates digestive disturbances |
Nipco Ignatia Amara Q (Mother Tincture)
For sadness, trembling, Convulsion, Headache , Sciatica, stiff neck. |
Nipco Lobelia Inflata Q (Mother Tincture)
Indigestion, acidity, nausea, vomiting,effects of alcohol, tobacco |
Nipco Phytolacca Berry Q (Mother Tincture)
Weight loss, fungal infections, tonsillitis, Painful menses, Thyroid. |
Nipco Sabina Q (Mother Tincture)
Women complaints, abdominal colic, varicose veins, piles, constipation |
Nipco Sticta Pulmonaria Q (Mother Tincture)
Bronchial catarrh, Sinusitis, Headache and Joint Pain |
Nipco Viscum Album Q (Mother Tincture)
Tremors, Sciatica, Nerve pains, Ovarian Pains, Vertigo, small boils |
Nipco Abroma Radix Q (Mother Tincture)
Delayed menses, pain, Irritability during menses. |
Nipco Amyl Nitrosum Q (Mother Tincture)
For tremors, convulsions, Hot flushes, hiccups, Sea-sickness, sleepy. |
Nipco Berberis Vulgaris Q (Mother Tincture)
Renal calculi, Arthritic pains, lumbago, Urinary incontinence. |
Nipco Cephalandra Indica Q (Mother Tincture)
Reduce Increased fasting sugar, Profuse urination, excess thirst, Boil |
Nipco Crataegus Oxyacantha Q (Mother Tincture)
Helps Tone Heart Muscles, Fatigue, Dyspnoea On Exertion, Angina |
Nipco Gaultheria Procumbens Q (Mother Tincture)
For neuralgic pains, sciatica, Joint pains, Difficult urination, Colic |
Nipco Ipecacuanha Q (Mother Tincture)
For constant nausea, insect bites, Gastric headache, Vomiting, Colic. |
Nipco Lycopodium Clavatum Q (Mother Tincture)
Bloating, Liver complaints, backache, joint pains, digestive troubles. |
Nipco Pinus Lambertiana Q (Mother Tincture)
For late and painful menses, relieves constipation, sore eyes |