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Products | Variations | Price | Action |
Nipco Gentiana Lutea Q (Mother Tincture)
Improves Appetite, Tonic for health,Tingling pains, Weakness |
Nipco Jaborandi Q (Mother Tincture)
Profuse Perspiration, Hairfall, Early greying of hair, Sleeplessness, Diarrhoea |
Nipco Mezereum Q (Mother Tincture)
Neuralgias, Bone Affections, Skin Problems and Constipation |
Nipco Pothos Foetidus Q (Mother Tincture)
Reduces swelling of enlarged glands, Nasal bones, Breathlessness |
Nipco Sanguinaria Canadensis Q (Mother Tincture)
Headache, Tonsillitis, Hot Flushes, Dry cough, Nasal Polyp, Corn |
Nipco Syzygium Jambolanum Q (Mother Tincture)
For Increased Amount of Sugar in the Blood, Urine and Related Symptoms |
Nipco Zingiber Q (Mother Tincture)
Cough, Hyperacidity, Gastritis, Diarrhoea and Urinary Problems. |
Nipco Aconitum Napellus Q (Mother Tincture)
high temperature, coryza, dry cough, headache, colic, anxiety, piles |
Nipco Aralia Racemosa Q (Mother Tincture)
Lung Affection, Cough, Diarrhoea, Hemorrhoids, Leucorrhoea, Prolapse |
Nipco Brahmi Q (Mother Tincture)
Enhances Memory, Improves concentration, Headache, Increase T3 and t4. |
Nipco Chelone Glabra Q (Mother Tincture)
Liver complaints, bloating, fullness, abdomen pain, worms |
Nipco Daphne Indica Q (Mother Tincture)
Reduces craving for Tobacco, Reduces Joint pains, Sleeplessness, Bad breath |
Nipco Geranium Maculatum Q (Mother Tincture)
For Double Vision, Headache, Haemorrhage, Ulcers and Stomach Complaints |
Nipco Jacaranda Caroba Q (Mother Tincture)
For anal itching, coryza, nostrils burn, swollen scrotum, nausea |
Nipco Millefolium Q (Mother Tincture)
Varicose veins, bleeding pile, nose bleed, bleeding wounds, sore nipple |
Nipco Psoralea Corylifolia Q (Mother Tincture)
For white discoloration of skin, eczema, diarrhoea, also helps in condition of psoriasis. |
Nipco Sarsaparilla Q (Mother Tincture)
Boils,Pimples, Bed wetting, Burning urine, Renal stone, Bone pains. (Mainly)
Nipco Teucrium Marum Verum Q (Mother Tincture)
Nasal Polyp, Stoppage of nose, Sneezing, Worms, Hiccups, Colic |
Nipco Boswellia. Serrata Q (Mother Tincture)
Boswellia Serrata Q is taken for brain injury, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, swelling of the fluid-filled pads in the joints (bursitis), and swelling of tendons (tendonitis). It is also taken for ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon (collagenous colitis), Crohn's disease, and abdominal pain. |
Nipco Adonis Vernalis Q (Mother Tincture)
Headache, Dyspnoea, Regulates pulse, Swelling of extremity. |