Causes of joint pain

There are many possible causes of joint pain. It might be caused by an injury or a longer-lasting problem such as arthritis. Your symptoms might give you an idea what could be causing the pain. But do not self-diagnose, see a doctor if you’re worried.

Check your Symptoms

Pain, swelling or bruising after intense or repetitive exercise, it might be due sprains and strains.

Possible Cause – Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries affecting the muscles and ligaments. Most can be treated at home without seeing a GP.

Check if you have a sprain or strain

It’s likely to be a sprain or strain if:

  • you have pain, tenderness or weakness – often around your ankle, foot, wrist, thumb, knee, leg or back
  • the injured area is swollen or bruised
  • you cannot put weight on the injury or use it normally
  • you have muscle spasms or cramping – where your muscles painfully tighten on their own

How to treat sprains and strains yourself

For the first couple of days, follow the 4 steps known as RICE therapy to help bring down swelling and support the injury:

  1. Rest – stop any exercise or activities and try not to put any weight on the injury.
  2. Ice – apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel) to the injury for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.
  3. Compression – wrap a bandage around the injury to support it.
  4. Elevate – keep it raised on a pillow as much as possible.

To help prevent swelling, try to avoid heat (such as hot baths and heat packs), alcohol and massages for the first couple of days.

When you can move the injured area without pain stopping you, try to keep moving it so the joint or muscle does not become stiff.

Over the age of 45, pain worse when walking and stiffness after moving.

Possible Cause – Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes joints to become painful and stiff. It’s the most common type of arthritis.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint pain and stiffness, and problems moving the joint.

Some people also have symptoms such as:

  • swelling
  • tenderness
  • grating or crackling sound when moving the affected joints

The severity of osteoarthritis symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, and between different affected joints.

For some people, the symptoms can be mild and may come and go. Other people can experience more continuous and severe problems which make it difficult to carry out everyday activities.

Almost any joint can be affected by osteoarthritis, but the condition most often causes problems in the knees, hips and small joints of the hands.

You should see your GP if you have persistent symptoms of osteoarthritis so they can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe any necessary treatment.

Treating osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition and cannot be cured, but it doesn’t necessarily get any worse over time and it can sometimes gradually improve. A number of treatments are also available to reduce the symptoms.

Mild symptoms can sometimes be managed with simple measures, including:

  • regular exercise
  • losing weight if you’re overweight
  • wearing suitable footwear
  • using special devices to reduce the strain on your joints during your everyday activities.

Hot, swollen toe joint (usually big toe) with very bad pain that comes on suddenly.

Possible Cause – Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that causes sudden, severe joint pain. See a GP for treatment to help during an attack and to stop further attacks.

  • sudden severe pain in a joint – usually your big toe, but it can be in other joints in your feet, hands, wrists, elbows or knees
  • hot, swollen, red skin over the affected joint

These are symptoms of gout.

An attack of gout usually lasts 5 to 7 days, then gets better. It may not cause lasting damage to joints if you get treatment immediately.

Homeopathic way of managing joint pain –

Homeopathy treatment for Arthritics is the best way to get cure with no possibility of side effects .

Panagon Drops – Helps in Stiffness of joint, Swelling of Joints and Radiating pain. It is a safe anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, and anti-trauma homeopathic preparation. It is a very effective medicine for pain, stiffness, swelling of joints, Back pain and sprains. This medicine is one of the most effective remedies for knee pain due to wearing and tearing of cartilage, it relieves inflammation of the joint thereby relieves pain and discomfort.

Key ingredients of Panagon Drops: 

Colchicum : helps in relieving stiffness due to cold and humid climate very effective in pains during a change of season from summers to winters. 

Arnica Mont. 3CH : helps during inflammation and pain of joints due to injuries and also due to excessive exertion like walking, climbing stairs etc. 

Ruta G. 4CH : very effective remedy in pain and inflammation of big joints like knee, thigh, ankle etc. 

Mercurius Sulph Ruber : relieves pain and inflammation of tissues and cartilages connecting joints.  

Rhus Tox. : helps in relieving early morning pain and stiffness of joints, also very effective in pains during getting up from a seat or chair. This medicine also helps in relieving muscular pain and stiffness, frozen shoulder etc.

Gaultheria : helps relieve pain and stiffness of small joints like the thumb and fingers. 

Lithium Carb : lesser-known remedy but very effective in relieving joint pains of all types.


All painful musculo skeletal disorders, articular or muscular, gout ostea – arthritis, spondyloses, Cervical or lumbar pain.


10 – 20 drops with half cup of water 3 to 4 times daily.


Panagon Oil – Helps in Stiffness of joint, Swelling of Joints and Radiating pain. It is a safe anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, and anti-trauma homeopathic preparation.