Tinctures Dilutions

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Products Variations Price Action
Maltonip - Malt with Alfalfa
Regains energy and overcome general weakness.
Jambolin Compound Tonic
Helps to maintain Sugar Level in Blood and Urine. Diabetes with excessive thirst or hunger or urination, burning of hands and feet, pain in the calf muscles.  

130.00 100.00
Nipco Hymusa - Arthritis Pain
Useful in Sciatica, Arthritis, Multiple Joint Pains, back pains. gout
100.00 85.00
Digestol - Digestive Tonic
Tonic for Indigestion, acidity, flatulence and  gastritis. Helps in getting relief from stomach pain and bloating Instantly.

120.00 95.00
Alfaplex D - Energy for Diabetics
Restores energy, specially in diabetics. Assist you in enhancing your stamina and endurance.
120.00 95.00
Avena Tonic - A Restorative Tonic
An excellent  restorative tonic.
120.00 100.00
Vasaka - Cough syrup

Controls cough Instantly.

120.00 100.00
Tonochild - Pediatric Tonic with Alfalfa
Homeopathic pediatric tonic for growth, it provides nutrition to bones and glands.
120.00 100.00
Femonip - Female tonic for Uterine troubles
Helps in amenorrhoea, menstrual irregularities such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea.

120.00 105.00
Nipco Livonip - Liver Tonic
Keeps  liver healthy, helps in recovering and maintaining the liver functions. Removes harmful toxins.
120.00 105.00
Alfalfa Tonic - A General Tonic.
A general tonic which Improves Memory, Appetite, Reduces Weakness, effective for overall health.
120.00 100.00
Alfaplex - Energy Tonic
Alfaplex. Alfalfa tonic with Ginseng is very useful in General Weakness, Low Weight, Loss of Appetite, and Anaemia.
120.00 105.00
Ferrum plus - Iron Tonic
For Anaemia, debility, exhaustion and tiredness. Improves hemoglobin levels.
130.00 110.00
Rawalflora - Blood Pressure Tonic

Effectively controls high blood pressure​.

120.00 100.00
Haemonip - Blood Purifier Tonic
Homeopathic Formulation which Improves quality of blood​, Aids in Glowing Skin, Helps Flush out Impurities from Blood.
120.00 95.00
Five Phos - A Restorative Tonic
Help deal with nervous exhaustion, impaired memory and general debility and weakness.
120.00 105.00
Pilonip - Piles Tonic
Pilonip Tonic gives good results for primary & secondary piles, Improve bowel movement, helps in fistula & other kind of disorder.
110.00 95.00
TonoVita - Energy Tonic for Men
A male restorative tonic that helps to fight sexual disorder like premature or delayed ejaculation and restores lost vigor and vitality.
1 Item | 215.00
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